BGJUG – Bulgarian Java User Group


The Bulgarian Java Users Group (BGJUG) is the World’s Java community representative in Bulgaria. The Java Users Groups are local organizations all around the world, which unites various groups of specialists, who are strongly interested in the Java-related technologies. Java Users Groups organize regular formal and informal meetings, conferences and seminars, on which they gather their members in order to exchange information related to Java. Usually, BGJUG members organize seminars and discussions monthly. The invitations for the events are published on this site, in the section “Events“. The materials (such as presentations and demos), created by BGJUG members are collected and stored in the BulgarianJUG youtube

A Bit of History

The first oficial meeting of the Bulgarian JUG took place on 26th of September 2007. Group’s chairman/coordinator is Petar Tahchiev. Since 12th of October 2007 BGJUG maintains mailing list, where are considered questions and problems from the Java World, ideas for future seminars and topics related to the Java-community in Buglaria as well. The mailing list is accessible on the following URL: At the same time had been created the BGJUG’s first site, but its maintenance was discontinued after a few months. On 28th of July 2011 was created the current site, which aim is to represent the group in the Internet and to serve as an information board for meetings organisations. The site aggregates the posts from the group’s members’ blogs related somehow to Java. On the 23rd of September 2011 was created a Twitter account of The BGJUG, which main aim is to represent us in Twitter. It will be used also for sharing news, announcements for meetings and seminars, i.e. everything which concerns BGJUG activities. In 2014 a jPrime conference was created as a huge premium conference organized by the Bulgarian Java User Group. You can find more about it on the dedicated website of jPrime A close after that we started making jProfessionals as a more local yearly conference, this conference was held first in 2015 and happens not only in Sofia, but in Plovdiv as well. In 2016 one of our members Nayden Gochev also started making Java Beer events on monthly bases. This still happens and you can check for such events on

The JUG team

Ivan St. Ivanov is development architect at SAP Labs Bulgaria, working in the HANA Cloud Platform performance team. He is active JUG member, driving the adoption of OpenJDK in Bulgaria. In his free time he likes contributing to open source software, mostly to JBoss Forge. Ivan is doing his PhD in the area of cloud multi-tenancy in the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. He is teaching Java, Java EE and SOA in three Universities in Sofia.
Mihail is a security and software consultant, trainer and author. His resume includes projects in companies like Saudi Aramco, Boeing, HP, Siemens, USAF, several foreign banks and government entities. Mihail is the co-author of 6 books on software, and has 10 years of training experience in local and foreign companies and most of the local universities.
Nayden Gochev is Solution Architect and Software Contractor with with more than 15 years of experience. Developer, Trainer and consultant in many international companies and Bulgarian companies. He took part in many conferences, seminars, technical trainings in multiple academic and non academic structures and companies. One of the organizers of jPrime and jProfessionals conferences and the monthly Bulgarian Java User Group seminars, the main driver of the java beer events ( Huge Java fan with love for all *.java and big community supporter. His personal blog is no longer active, but some posts can be found at
Martin is a Java enthusiast. He is a graduate of Computer Science from the University of Sofia. He is also a certified Java professional (SCJP6) and a certified IBM cloud computing solution advisor. His areas of interest include the wide range of Java-related technologies (such as Servlets, JSP, JAXB, JAXP, JMS, JMX, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, Hibernate, Spring Framework, Liferay Portal and Eclipse RCP), cloud computing technologies, cloud-based software architectures, enterprise application integration, relational and NoSQL databases. You can reach him for any Java and FOSS-related topics (especially Eclipse and the OpenJDK).
Dmitry is a passionate Java developer. Through his 8+ years career he has gained a huge experience with different web technologies. His areas of interest include the wide range of Java-related technologies, enterprise solutions, cloud computing technologies, Eclipse plug-ins, as well as non-Java like NodeJs and NoSql. He’s big enthusiast of distributed multinational, multi location software development. At his free time he’s trying to contribute to OpenJDK and supports his own opensource project. His latest passion is Oracles Javascript runtime on JVM – Nashorn.
Doychin Bondzhev is Java developer with experience in many technologies. His work includes software for different businesses like telecommunications, warehouse management, point of sale, service management, billing , service provisioning, customer support, banking and many more. In his free time he contributes to some Open Source projects. He is a big fan of JavaEE and Microprofile.

Bulgarian Java User Group

A not-for-profit organized by Java Developers for Java Developers
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Recent Posts from the Blog

Семинар “Eclipse plug-in development”

Днес, 21.03.2013 г, ще се проведе семинар на тема “Eclipse plug-in development” пред българската Java потребителска група (BG-JUG). Семинарът ще бъде в зала 299 на ФМИ с начало19:00 ч. Повече за семинара На семинара ще бъдат разгледани следните въпроси: Кратка история и развитие на платформата Eclipse OSGi и реализация в Eclipse Архитектура и основни компоненти на […]

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Семинар “Java Portlets with Liferay and JSF”

Българската Java потребителска група организира семинар на тема “Java Portlets with Liferay and JSF”. Координати на събитието Събитието ще се проведе на 29.09.2011 г от 19:00 до 21:00 в зала 325, на Факултет по математика и информатика към СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”. Описание  Портлетите представляват видимия и полезен за крайния потребител резултат от внедряването на […]

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Семинар „Java Portlets with Liferay and JSF“

Българската Java потребителска група организира семинар на тема “Java Portlets with Liferay and JSF”. Координати на събитието Събитието ще се проведе на 29.09.2011 г от 19:00 до 21:00 в зала 325, на Факултет по математика и информатика към СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”. Описание  Портлетите представляват видимия и полезен за крайния потребител резултат от внедряването на […]

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BG-JUG: Hello, Twitter!

Българската Java потребителска група вече е регистрирана в туитър:!/bgjug Освен за официално представяне в туитър, профилът ще бъде използван и за споделяне на новини, съобщения, обяви за събирания и семинари, т.е. всичко свързано с дейността ни. След кратко търсене, бяха добавени за следване около тридесет Java потребителски групи по света, както и някои Java-свързани профила, като например тези на Java, OpenJDK и IntelliJ IDEA. Каналите (lists) със съобщенията в групата са публични: Java News –!/list/bgjug/java Канал за новини, засягащи предимно Java и свързаните технологии, събития и т.н. Java Users Groups over the World –!/bgjug/jugs-over-the-world Канал на съобщенията идващи от останалите Java групи по света. Java IDE-related News –!/bgjug/ide Канал, свързан със средите за разработка с Java (за момента е открит само туитър профилът на IntelliJ IDEA) All News –!/bgjug/all-news Агрегатор на съобщенията от всички следвани профили. Това са само няколко примерни канала. Ако имате идеи за интересни/любими туитър профили, нови тематични канали (lists), свързани с Java света, ще ги добавим за следване в профила. Изобщо, всякакви идеи са добре дошли! 🙂 The Bulgarian Java Users Group is now on Twitter:!/bgjug Apart of the official representation in Twitter, the account will be used also for sharing news, announcements for meetings and seminars, i.e. everything which concerns our activities. After a fast search, about thirty JUGs accounts in Twitter have been set to be followed, as well as some Java-related profiles like Java, OpenJDK and IntelliJ IDEA. The lists of messages are public: Java News –!/list/bgjug/java Channel of news, concerning mainly Java-related technologies, events, etc. Java Users Groups over the World –!/bgjug/jugs-over-the-world Channel for tweets from the followed JUGs over the World. Java IDE-related News –!/bgjug/ide Channel, related to the Java... read more

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Beers Drunk

Date/Time Event
09:30 -19:00
jProfessionals – Late Autumn Edition 24
Capital Fort, Sofia
18:30 -22:00
Java Beer 29.10.2024, Sofia
bar SODA,NDK, Sofia, Sofia
08:30 -18:00
Polyglot 4 Kotlin
Inter Expo Center, Sofia, Sofia Sofia

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Bulgarian Java User Group

A not-for-profit organized by Java Developers for Java Developers
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