
The Bulgarian Java Users Group (BGJUG) is the World’s Java community representative in Bulgaria.

The Java Users Groups are local organizations all around the world, which unites various groups of specialists, who are strongly interested in the Java-related technologies. Java Users Groups organize regular formal and informal meetings, conferences and seminars, on which they gather their members in order to exchange information related to Java.

Usually, BGJUG members organize seminars and discussions monthly. The invitations for the events are published on this site, in the section “Events“.

The materials (such as presentations and demos), created by BGJUG members are collected and stored in the BGJUG’s Google Code Repository.

A Bit of History

  • The first oficial meeting of the Bulgarian JUG took place on 26th of September 2007. Group’s chairman/coordinator is Petar Tahchiev.
  • Since 12th of October 2007 BGJUG maintains mailing list, where are considered questions and problems from the Java World, ideas for future seminars and topics related to the Java-community in Buglaria as well. The mailing list is accessible on the following URL: http://groups.google.com/group/bg-jug.
  • At the same time had been created the BGJUG’s first site, but its mainatanance was discontinued after a few months.
  • On 28th of July 2011 was created the current site, which aim is to represent the group in Internet and to serve as an information board for meetings organisations. The site aggregates the posts from the group’s members’ blogs related somehow to Java.
  • On 23rd of September 2011 was created a Twitter account of The BGJUG, which main aim is to representat us in Twitter. It will be used also for sharing news, announcements for meetings and seminars, i.e. everything which concerns BGJUG activities.
  • As of January 2015 our JUG have an Leaders Board consisting of 5 people(Ivan St. Ivanov (@ivan_stefanov), Dmitry Alexandrov (@bercut2000), Mihail Stoynov (@mihailstoynov), Martin Toshev (@martin_fmi) and Nayden Gochev (@gochev)
  • In May 2015 our JUG made a premium conference for Java in Bulgaria called jPrime (http://jprime.io)
  • In June 2015 we decided to change the domain to http://jug.bg because it is shorter.
  • In November 2015 we made a small, free java conference called jProfessionals https://jug.bg/jprofessionals/
  • In February 2016 we made the second iteration of our small and free java conference called jProfessionals https://jug.bg/jprofessionals-2-0/


Everybody who is interested in the Java technologies could become part of BGJUG. The only formal procedure is applying for membership on the following URL:

http://groups.google.com/group/bg-jug/subscribe?hl=bg . This will add your email address to the mailing list. In case you are no longer interested being part of the group, the unsubscription is always available.

If you are a non-google user or dont want to join the mailing list you can visit the group in Facebook called Java Developers Bulgaria where we post most of the events anyway

In case you would like to contribute to the work on this site or the Twitter account administration, write us to: go6 @ jug.bg.


BGJUG collaborates with the Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD).