BGJUG – Bulgarian Java User Group


The Bulgarian Java Users Group (BGJUG) is the World’s Java community representative in Bulgaria. The Java Users Groups are local organizations all around the world, which unites various groups of specialists, who are strongly interested in the Java-related technologies. Java Users Groups organize regular formal and informal meetings, conferences and seminars, on which they gather their members in order to exchange information related to Java. Usually, BGJUG members organize seminars and discussions monthly. The invitations for the events are published on this site, in the section “Events“. The materials (such as presentations and demos), created by BGJUG members are collected and stored in the BulgarianJUG youtube

A Bit of History

The first oficial meeting of the Bulgarian JUG took place on 26th of September 2007. Group’s chairman/coordinator is Petar Tahchiev. Since 12th of October 2007 BGJUG maintains mailing list, where are considered questions and problems from the Java World, ideas for future seminars and topics related to the Java-community in Buglaria as well. The mailing list is accessible on the following URL: At the same time had been created the BGJUG’s first site, but its maintenance was discontinued after a few months. On 28th of July 2011 was created the current site, which aim is to represent the group in the Internet and to serve as an information board for meetings organisations. The site aggregates the posts from the group’s members’ blogs related somehow to Java. On the 23rd of September 2011 was created a Twitter account of The BGJUG, which main aim is to represent us in Twitter. It will be used also for sharing news, announcements for meetings and seminars, i.e. everything which concerns BGJUG activities. In 2014 a jPrime conference was created as a huge premium conference organized by the Bulgarian Java User Group. You can find more about it on the dedicated website of jPrime A close after that we started making jProfessionals as a more local yearly conference, this conference was held first in 2015 and happens not only in Sofia, but in Plovdiv as well. In 2016 one of our members Nayden Gochev also started making Java Beer events on monthly bases. This still happens and you can check for such events on

The JUG team

Ivan St. Ivanov is development architect at SAP Labs Bulgaria, working in the HANA Cloud Platform performance team. He is active JUG member, driving the adoption of OpenJDK in Bulgaria. In his free time he likes contributing to open source software, mostly to JBoss Forge. Ivan is doing his PhD in the area of cloud multi-tenancy in the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. He is teaching Java, Java EE and SOA in three Universities in Sofia.
Mihail is a security and software consultant, trainer and author. His resume includes projects in companies like Saudi Aramco, Boeing, HP, Siemens, USAF, several foreign banks and government entities. Mihail is the co-author of 6 books on software, and has 10 years of training experience in local and foreign companies and most of the local universities.
Nayden Gochev is Solution Architect and Software Contractor with with more than 15 years of experience. Developer, Trainer and consultant in many international companies and Bulgarian companies. He took part in many conferences, seminars, technical trainings in multiple academic and non academic structures and companies. One of the organizers of jPrime and jProfessionals conferences and the monthly Bulgarian Java User Group seminars, the main driver of the java beer events ( Huge Java fan with love for all *.java and big community supporter. His personal blog is no longer active, but some posts can be found at
Martin is a Java enthusiast. He is a graduate of Computer Science from the University of Sofia. He is also a certified Java professional (SCJP6) and a certified IBM cloud computing solution advisor. His areas of interest include the wide range of Java-related technologies (such as Servlets, JSP, JAXB, JAXP, JMS, JMX, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, Hibernate, Spring Framework, Liferay Portal and Eclipse RCP), cloud computing technologies, cloud-based software architectures, enterprise application integration, relational and NoSQL databases. You can reach him for any Java and FOSS-related topics (especially Eclipse and the OpenJDK).
Dmitry is a passionate Java developer. Through his 8+ years career he has gained a huge experience with different web technologies. His areas of interest include the wide range of Java-related technologies, enterprise solutions, cloud computing technologies, Eclipse plug-ins, as well as non-Java like NodeJs and NoSql. He’s big enthusiast of distributed multinational, multi location software development. At his free time he’s trying to contribute to OpenJDK and supports his own opensource project. His latest passion is Oracles Javascript runtime on JVM – Nashorn.
Doychin Bondzhev is Java developer with experience in many technologies. His work includes software for different businesses like telecommunications, warehouse management, point of sale, service management, billing , service provisioning, customer support, banking and many more. In his free time he contributes to some Open Source projects. He is a big fan of JavaEE and Microprofile.

Bulgarian Java User Group

A not-for-profit organized by Java Developers for Java Developers
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Recent Posts from the Blog

Java Beer Summit 2023

Java Beer Summit 2023 ! Join in for a fun evening of beer and informal Java talks at the Maimunarnika, Sofia. Don’t drink beer? No problem, we will provide wine as well 😉. And even french fries or Belgian fries 🤔. The entrance is free. You can take your last-minute friends or everyone who wants to enjoy a fun evening of beer and Java talks. We have an open mic this year so we are a bit unconference 🙂. Thus, you can go to the stage at any time and give a talk on whatever you want like “why the world is using JavaScript FFS and not Java”. You don’t have to submit anything pre-event, just come, drink few beers, get some beerpower and join the stage to talk, or just enjoy the networking. for more info check... read more

jProfessionals 3.0 – Java Day with Venkat. How it was.

The latest edition of jProfessionals has happen to be a very special event for BGJUG. Unlike the previous two editions current event was fully dedicated to one special guest – Dr. Venkat Subramaniam! Venkat is an award-winning author, founder of Agile Developer, Inc., creator of, and an instructional professor at the University of Houston. He has trained and mentored thousands of software developers in the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia, and is a regularly-invited speaker at several international conferences and a committee member of the JavaOne conference. Venkat helps his clients effectively apply and succeed with sustainable agile practices on their software projects. Venkat is a (co)author of multiple technical books, including the 2007 Jolt Productivity award winning book Practices of an Agile Developer. During the first part of the day Dr. Venkat Subramaniam gave two talks: Let’s Get Lazy: The Real Power of Streams Twelve Ways to Make Code Suck Less More than 150 developers came from Sofia and other cities. Even our friends from Macedonian JUG came from Skopje! Then we had a small break. The second part of the day was dedicated to a 3 hours workshop about Functional programming with java. The first two who successfully finished the labs have received special awards from our partner JetBrains – 1-year free license for any of their great products. The winners got their prizes: The event was great! Many useful lessons learned! The community was very excited for this java day! And spacial thanks to Dr. Venkat Subramaniam for making it happen! At the end we had our traditional afterparty! Special thanks to Paysafe for providing the most modern... read more

JCache workshop

Last Wednesday (20.03.2016) our community had a really big even – Adopt-A-JSR JCache (JSR107) Workshop. Our special guest for the event was Christoph Engelbert – Technical Evangelist at Hazelcast. The host of the workshop was Luxoft Bulgaria, providing wonderful venue and tasty catering. Part One. JSR107 is one of the oldest JSRs. It has been started back in 2001 but was finally accepted only in 2014. This is a Java API that provides a unified mechanism for interacting with various caching implementations. The operations provided by the API allow for a uniform way to access, update, create and remove entries from a cache. The first part of the workshop an introduction to JCache by Christoph. Christoph gave a wonderful overview “from the source” of the JCache standard – how it was born, how it was kind of forgotten, and how it was resurrected, finished and finally accepted.   Part two. The second part of the event was a practical workshop carefully prepared by our JUG co-leads Ivan St. Ivanov and Martin Toshev (KUDOs!). During the workshop the participants had to apply in a standardized way JCache to an existing Java EE project. The project was a special Java EE BGJUG fully Java EE based phonebook webapp. For the server the Payara server was chosen as it contains the Hazelcast JCache provider out of the box. The workshop contained two main objectives: the first one was introductory – to connect the Hazelcast JCache provider to the given Java EE webapp with a minimal configuration. The second one was more advanced – to setup various features in the configuration like cache timeout etc. The workshop... read more

Introduction to Kotlin

The last Tuesday (22.03.16) Ivan Yonkov has made a wonderful session about the language Kotlin driven by JetBrains. Kotlin has reached it’s first mature version 1.0 and currently has a very fast growing community. Now Bulgarian JUG has a better understanding how the language can be used. For those who missed the screencast (in Bulgarian) is available... read more

jProfessionals 2.0 how it was

The second edition of jProfessionals was really huge! jProfessionals is a small one day absolutely free miniconference. We consider it as a smaller daughter of jPrime. It is a good place to see both prominent and newbee speakers, and even try yourself as lecturer. The format is quite agile! We are very pleased that hall was full and stayed like this till the end. All our eventbrite free tickets were “sold”. The Java users are ready for the new knowledge: Ivan Ivanov and Nayden Gochev open event (Richard Warburton is getting ready for his first talk): Richard Warburton, our special guest from LJC kicks-off with the Pragmatic Functional refactoring with Java 8: A truly useful deep dive in Java 8 new features and how to use the effectively. Except “typical” topics regarding Lambdas and Default methods a big attention was payed to the Optional and currying. We then continued with Vladimir Tsanev’s live coding session about Spring REST Docs – a great automated way to create documentation for REST. After some lunch break, the next special guest from LJC Daniel Bryant presented his wonderful session “The Seven deadly sins of microservices“. A truly nice summary of what are microservices useful for and for what they are now. A bunch of god books were given for helping to convince your boss they are suitable or not. Doychin Bondzev then gave a session regarding a less known free Database engine Firebird. Although it’s not that popular it can provide competitive features similar to well known RDBMs like Postgres or MariaDB. Richard Warburton then gave his second talk about “Java Generics: Past, Present and Future” It was not... read more

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Beers Drunk

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Bulgarian Java User Group

A not-for-profit organized by Java Developers for Java Developers
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