BGJUG – Bulgarian Java User Group
The Bulgarian Java Users Group (BGJUG) is the World’s Java community representative in Bulgaria. The Java Users Groups are local organizations all around the world, which unites various groups of specialists, who are strongly interested in the Java-related technologies. Java Users Groups organize regular formal and informal meetings, conferences and seminars, on which they gather their members in order to exchange information related to Java. Usually, BGJUG members organize seminars and discussions monthly. The invitations for the events are published on this site, in the section “Events“. The materials (such as presentations and demos), created by BGJUG members are collected and stored in the BulgarianJUG youtube
A Bit of History
The first oficial meeting of the Bulgarian JUG took place on 26th of September 2007. Group’s chairman/coordinator is Petar Tahchiev. Since 12th of October 2007 BGJUG maintains mailing list, where are considered questions and problems from the Java World, ideas for future seminars and topics related to the Java-community in Buglaria as well. The mailing list is accessible on the following URL: At the same time had been created the BGJUG’s first site, but its maintenance was discontinued after a few months. On 28th of July 2011 was created the current site, which aim is to represent the group in the Internet and to serve as an information board for meetings organisations. The site aggregates the posts from the group’s members’ blogs related somehow to Java. On the 23rd of September 2011 was created a Twitter account of The BGJUG, which main aim is to represent us in Twitter. It will be used also for sharing news, announcements for meetings and seminars, i.e. everything which concerns BGJUG activities. In 2014 a jPrime conference was created as a huge premium conference organized by the Bulgarian Java User Group. You can find more about it on the dedicated website of jPrime A close after that we started making jProfessionals as a more local yearly conference, this conference was held first in 2015 and happens not only in Sofia, but in Plovdiv as well. In 2016 one of our members Nayden Gochev also started making Java Beer events on monthly bases. This still happens and you can check for such events on
The JUG team

Recent Posts from the Blog
jProfessionals 22.11.2015 agenda is now available
The Agenda for 22.11 is: 09:00 – 09:50 – Coffee & Registration 09:50 – 10:00 – Welcome & Introduction 10:00 – 11:00 – “Jenkins 2.0: workflow, containers, and beyond!” by Kohsuke Kawaguchi 11:10 – 12:10 – “I will share my experience while researching JMH.” by Vlado Tsanev 12:10 – 13:00 – Lunch break 13:00 – 14:00 – “HTTP/2” by Svetlin Nakov 14:10 – 15:10 – “Grails for bored Java developers” by Emil Doychev 15:10 – 15:30 – Coffee break 15:30 – 16:30 – “Migrating Swing Application to JavaFX and JavaFX on mobile” by Doychin Bondzhev 16:40 – 17:40 – “High Performance Reactive Programming with JAVA 8 – Reactor & RxJava” by Trayan Iliev See you there... read moreBulgarian JUG at Java2Days
As always, the Bulgarian Java community will have exciting times during the autumn. After the successful first edition of the jPrime conference, the rockstars from the industry will be visiting our country between 2nd and 4th November for Java2Days. This will be the 7th edition of the conference. More than 70 sessions given by more than 60 speakers are expected. There will be tracks for experts, experienced specialists, beginners and kids; Free track; hands-on-labs; demo and relax zone and more. We are happy to announce that the Bulgarian JUG will as always take active part in the event. We got a few of our talks accepted: “Where do we go after Http 1.1 – Http2”, by Mihail Stoynov “Writing Java stored procedures in Oracle Database 12c” and “Spring RabbitMQ integration”, by Martin Toshev “Action based MVC in Java EE? Yes, we do!”, hands on lab by Nayden Gochev and Ivan St. Ivanov We are even happier that our user group will get its booth next to Vitosha hall in Inter Expo Center. There you’ll have the chance to meet us and hear about our future plans and initiatives. As well as do a lot of hacking. Our big idea is to complete the JBoss Forge addon for Spring Boot that we started this summer. See you at... read morejProfessionals Conference, 22.11.2015, COMPLETELY FREE
We would like to invite you to a new conference. The stage is yours! The name of the conference will be jProfessionals, it is meant to be a local Bulgarian conference with mostly, but not only, Bulgarian speakers. You will have a full day of different Java related topics and its first edition will be on 22nd of November in Sofia. The conference will be fully community driven, its sponsors will be basically every Bulgarian Java User Group sponsor for 2015 (SAP Labs, EPAM, Luxoft,, Questers, Verint Systems and TechHuddle). This will not be an annual conference, instead we plan to make mini conference like that every 3-4 months! So if you want to give it a try as a speaker or if you want to propose a nice topic, but you are not sure about the interest and scared from the big stage like jPrime, then this conference is for you! The talks slots depend on you! You can speak the regular 45 minutes or you can speak 1 hour and 15 minutes if you like. Just let us know how much time you need (between 0:45h and 1:30h). You can submit your talk at BG JUG CFP page . Just add in the description the talk duration with the description and specify that this is for jProfessionals and not for the regular monthly JUG seminars. Lets make a bigger and better Java community, lets meet, lets talk, lets discuss and make 22th of November an awesome Sunday. Register Now : When: 22th of November, 2015 Where: Hotel Vitosha, Sofia, Bulgaria P.S. We may need some help at the day of the conference. If you want to help just send... read moreHigh Performance Java event is organising an event on java performance. Guests will be Kirk Pepperdine (some of our jug members met him at jCrete 2015), William Louth, Kees Jan and Izzet Mustafayev. Date: 10th October, 2015 Location: Rainbow Plaza, Sofia. Discount: 50TT for 50%... read moreVOXXED DAYS Belgrade
This year the Bulgarian Java User Group member Martin Toshev will be talking on VOXXED DAYS Belgrade! 2 days! 30+ talks! 500+... read moreOfficial Facebook Group of the Bulgarian Java User Group
We are trying to resurrect the old facebook group we had for the “Bulgarian Java User Group”. You can join here ( around 100 members currently) Update: Facebook killed our group ! Not kidding the facebook group doesnt exist anymore. Facebook decided to remove it without any information why, because of that we officially DON’T have facebook group, also we do not have google+ or linkedin group. if you want to join our group use google mailing list!forum/bg-jug thats the only official channel to contact BG JUG and to be part of BG JUG. We do spam in Java Developers Bulgaria facbeook group but this group is NOT... read moreOur generous sponsors
Beers Drunk
Recent Posts from our community members
Discovering an OSSEC/Wazuh Encryption Issue
I’m trying to get the Wazuh agent (a fork of OSSEC, one of the most popular open source security tools, used for intrusion detection) to talk to our custom backendContinue reading
The post Discovering an OSSEC/Wazuh Encryption Issue appeared first on Bozho’s tech blog.
OpenSSL Key and IV Padding
OpenSSL is an omnipresent tool when it comes to encryption. While in Java we are used to the native Java implementations of cryptographic primitives, most other languages rely on OpenSSL.Continue reading
The post OpenSSL Key and IV Padding appeared first on Bozho’s tech blog.
ElasticSearch Multitenancy With Routing
Elasticsearch is great, but optimizing it for high load is always tricky. This won’t be yet another “Tips and tricks for optimizing Elasticsearch” article – there are many great onesContinue reading
The post ElasticSearch Multitenancy With Routing appeared first on Bozho’s tech blog.
Is It Really Two-Factor Authentication?
Terminology-wise, there is a clear distinction between two-factor authentication (multi-factor authentication) and two-step verification (authentication), as this article explains. 2FA/MFA is authentication using more than one factors, i.e. “something youContinue reading
The post Is It Really Two-Factor Authentication? appeared first on Bozho’s tech blog.
Bulk vs Individual Compression
I’d like to share something very brief and very obvious – that compression works better with large amounts of data. That is, if you have to compress 100 sentences you’dContinue reading
The post Bulk vs Individual Compression appeared first on Bozho’s tech blog.
Making Sense of the Information Security Landscape
There are hundreds of different information security solutions out there and choosing which one to pick can be hard. Usually decisions are driven by recommendations, vendor familiarity, successful upsells, complianceContinue reading
The post Making Sense of the Information Security Landscape appeared first on Bozho’s tech blog.