by Bozho | Feb 20, 2020 | Aggregated, Developer tips, Opinions, programming
In enterprise software the top one question you have to answer as a developer almost every day is “Where is this coming from?”. When trying to fix bugs, when developing new features, when refactoring. You have to be able to trace the code flow and to figure out where a certain value is coming from. And the bigger the codebase is, the more complicated it is to figure out where something (some value or combination of values) is coming from. In theory it’s either from the user interface or from the database, but we all know it’s always more complicated. I learned that very early in my career when I had to navigate a huge telecom codebase in order to implement features and fix bugs that were in total a few dozens line of code. Answering the question means navigating the code easily, debugging and tracing changes to the values passed around. And while that seems obvious, it isn’t so obvious in the grand scheme of things. Frameworks, architectures, languages, coding styles and IDEs that obscure the answer to the question “where is this coming from?” make things much worse – for the individual developer and for the project in general. Let me give a few examples. Scala, for which I have mixed feelings, gives you a lot of cool features. And some awful ones, like implicits. An implicit is something like a global variable, except there are nested implicit scopes. When you need some of those global variables, so just add the “implicit” keyword and you get the value from the inner-most scope available that matches the type...
by Bozho | Jul 27, 2019 | Aggregated, best practices, Developer tips, Opinions, programming
Writing software consists of very little actual “writing”, and much more thinking, designing, reading, “digging”, analyzing, debugging, refactoring, aligning and meeting others. The reading and digging part is where you try to understand what has been implemented before, why it has been implemented, and how it works. In larger projects it becomes increasingly hard to find what is happening and why – there are so many classes that interfere, and so many methods participate in implementing a particular feature. That’s probably because there is a mismatch between the programming units (classes, methods) and the business logic units (features). Product owners want a “password reset” feature, and they don’t care if it’s done using framework configuration, custom code split in three classes, or one monolithic controller method that does that job. This mismatch is partially addressed by the so called BDD (behaviour driven development), as business people can define scenarios in a formalized language (although they rarely do, it’s still up to the QAs or developers to write the tests). But having your tests organized around features and behaviours doesn’t mean the code is, and BDD doesn’t help in making your way through the codebase in search of why and how something is implemented. Another issue is linking a piece of code to the issue tracking system. Source control conventions and hooks allow for setting the issue tracker number as part of the commit, and then when browsing the code, you can annotate the file and see the issue number. However, due the the many changes, even a very strict team will end up methods that are related to multiple...
by Bozho | Nov 24, 2017 | Aggregated, Opinions, programming, software engineering
I’ll start this post with a quote: "Every great developer you know got there by solving problems they were unqualified to solve until they actually did it." – Patrick McKenzie — The Practical Dev (@ThePracticalDev) February 14, 2017 Good developers are good problem solvers. They turn each task into a series of problems they have to solve. They don’t necessarily know how to solve them in advance, but they have their toolbox of approaches, shortcuts and other tricks that lead to the solution. I have outlined one such set of steps for identifying problems, but you can’t easily formalize the problem-solving approach. But is really turning a task into a set of problems a good idea? Programming can be seen as a creative exercise, rather than a problem solving one – you think, you ponder, you deliberate, then you make something out of nothing and it’s beautiful, because it works. And sometimes programming is that, but that is almost always interrupted by a series of problems that stop you from getting the task completed. That process is best visualized with the following short video: That’s because most things in software break. They either break because there are unknowns, or because of a lot of unsuspected edge cases, or because the abstraction that we use leaks, or because the tools that we use are poorly documented or have poor APIs/UIs, or simply because of bugs. Or in many cases – all of the above. So inevitably, we have to learn to solve problems. And solving them quickly and properly is in fact, one might argue, the most important skill when...
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