by Bozho | Jul 4, 2017 | Aggregated, Developer tips, monitoring, spring-boot
Spring Boot Admin is a cool dashboard for monitoring your spring boot applications. However, setting it up is not that trivial. The documentation outlines two options: Including a client library in your boot application that connects to the admin application – this requires having the admin application deployed somewhere public or at least reachable from your application, and also making your application aware that it is being monitored. Using cloud discovery, which means your application is part of a service discovery infrastructure, e.g. using microservices Both are not very good options for simpler scenarios like a monolithic application being run on some IaaS and having your admin application deployed either on a local machine or in some local company infrastructure. Cloud discovery is an overkill if you don’t already need it, and including a client library introduces the complexity of making the admin server reachable by your application, rather than vice-versa. And besides, this two-way dependency sounds wrong. Fortunately, there is an undocumented, but implemented SimpleDiscoveryClient that let’s you simply run the Spring Boot Admin with some configuration on whatever machine and connect it to your spring boot application. The first requirement is to have the spring boot actuator setup in your boot application. The Actuator exposes all the needed endpoints for the admin application to work. It sounds trivial to setup – you just add a bunch of dependencies and possibly specify some config parameters and that’s it. In fact, in a real application it’s not that easy – in particular regarding the basic authentication for the actuator endpoints. You need a separate spring-security (in addition to your...
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