by jNayden | Jun 24, 2011 | Aggregated, javafx
OK don’t get me wrong. I like the new way of JavaFX 2.0 I liked the JavaFX Script but not so match so I like that they get rid of it and that they just plan to make a nice library (alternative to Swing) for creating RIA apps. But please Oracle why this JavaFX still looks like CRAP ? I’ve posted an old post for font rendering ( ) not many things has been changed since then. JavaFX was originally created in 2009 I believe 2 years ago at that time the Swing Font rendering also was looking bad on windows BUT NOW IT LOOKS AWESOME. Swing fonts are rendered as 100% cleartype native fonts you cannot make the difference, the things that make many developers use SWT instead of Swing ware gone, because Swing was looking great. But JavaFX… it was looking like CRAP the UI was having nothing RIA inside it even doesn’t have normal looking fonts. Today … 2 years later we have JavaFX 2.0 beta… and this beta still looks like CRAP Really ??? Common Guys it is normal there is no real JavaFX application the fonts are UNREADABLE Oki anyway the other camp Microsoft … Silvercrap … again it was release in 2007 ! The fonts still looks like NIGHTMARE. Microsoft even successfully broke the IE9 fonts so nothing new. Maybe now when everything in the browser looks like Crap thanks Microsoft maybe now the people will not notice the silverilght crappy fonts. I am not an adobe fan but I am starting being one because Flash/Flex fonts really looks AWESOME...
by jNayden | Aug 20, 2009 | Aggregated, javafx, ria
The idea is to compare the current RIA frameworks like Flex(Flash), Silverlight and JavaFX and see what are the fonts that they produces. We are in 21th century most of the people have laptops and use TFT screens and windows is the most usedOS this days, so most of the people use clear type font rendering. Lets see how each technology uses clear type : For me the best fonts with clear type enabled are fonts in WinForms and native windows applications. I’ve found very interesting comparison here: I will use some of the screenshots from there. WinForms (ClearType OFF) You can see that WinForms with ClearType off are still best for CRT screens but not good for TFT screens. WinForms (ClearType On) The WinForms + ClearType is the best from microsoft for now. Silverlight v2.0 Silverlight v2 fonts are so bad I cant see the RIA when I have bad fonts. Silverlight v3.0 Silverlight v3 have ClearType but it is still far far worst than the WinForms ClearType. WPF (ClearType off) WPF with ClearType off is worst than WinForms with ClearType Off it is bad for CRT and bad for TFT displays. It is bad for everything maybe this is the reason why there is no WPF applications. WPF (ClearType on) WPF with ClearType on is better than Silverlight for me but it is still bad. In .net 4.0 it will be finally fixed if we can believe to Microsoft. JavaFX/Swing (Java 1.6u10+) JavaFX and Swing with Java 1.6 update 10 have very good ClearType support I didn’t see the difference between this and WinForms. But to...
by jNayden | Jun 2, 2009 | Aggregated, javafx
JavaFX 1.2 is here it came with a lot of futures ( ) For me the most important “changes” are : Platform Support Support is now provided for two additional OS platforms: Solaris Beta: OpenSolaris 2009.06 Linux Beta: Ubuntu 8.04 LTE Media Real-time streaming protocol (RTSP) support is new. You can read more about RTSP on the RTSP wiki. var url: String = "rtsp://"; Media supports two more OS platforms, OpenSolaris and Ubuntu Linux. Both platforms use the open source multimedia framework GStreamer. Media has better support for video scrubbing. UI Control Components Package affected: javafx.scene.control The new javafx.scene.control package now includes the following classes for creating UI controls. Behavior Button ButtonBase CheckBox Control Hyperlink Keystroke Label Labeled ListView ProgressBar ProgressIndicator RadioButton ScrollBar Skin Slider TextBox TextInputControl ToggleButton ToggleGroup Please refer to the article on JavaFX Scene UI Controls. UI Chart Components Packages affected: javafx.scene.chart,, javafx.scene.chart.part The new javafx.scene.chart package now includes the following classes for chart components. AreaChart AreaChart.Data AreaChart.Series BarChart BarChart.Data BarChart.Series BarChart3D BubbleChart BubbleChart.Data BubbleChart.Series Chart LineChart LineChart.Data LineChart.Series PieChart PieChart.Data PieChart3D ScatterChart ScatterChart.Data ScatterChart.Series XYChart Web Services The new package includes the following classes: Atom AtomTask Category Content Date Entry Factory Feed Generator Id Link Person A new package includes the following classes: Category Channel Enclosure Factory Guid Image Item RSS RssTask Source Eclipse Plugin for JavaFX 1.2 ( ) What’s New in Version 1.2 of the eclipse plugin The following list describes the changes that were made to the JavaFX Plugin for Eclipse since the 1.0 release: New JavaFX Project wizard – It is no longer necessary to create...
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