5 Features Eclipse Should Copy From IntelliJ IDEA

Eclipse Photon has been released a few days ago, and I decided to do yet another comparison with IntelliJ IDEA. Last time I explained why I still prefer Eclipse, but because my current project had problems with Java 9 in Eclipse initially, I’ve been using IntelliJ IDEA in the past half a year. (Still using Eclipse for everything else; partly because of the lack of “multiple projects in one workspace” in IDEA). This time, though, the comparison will be the other way around – what IDEA features I’d really like to have in Eclipse; features that make work much easier and way more efficient. (Btw, what’s the proper short version to use – IntelliJ? IDEA?) Isn’t that a departure from my stance “Eclipse is better”? No – I don’t believe there’s a perfect IDE (or perfect anything, for that matter), so any product can try to get the best aspects of the competition. Here I’ll focus on five features of IDEA where Eclipse lags behind. First, the “Find in path” dialog. The interactivity of the dialog, the fact that you see all the results while typing and being able to navigate the results with the arrows is huge. Compare that to Eclipse’s clunky Search dialog, which (while pretty powerful), has a million tabs (rarely focused on the one you need) and then you actually click “Search” to get a list of results in a search panel, where you double-click in order to see the context…it’s just bad compared to IDEA. Second is suggesting static imports. Static imports are not used too often, except in tests. Mockito, Hamcrest, test utility...