Good news EVERYONE!
We would like to invite you to the SECOND jProfessionals conference. The stage is yours!
The name of the conference as last time is jProfessionals, it is meant to be a local Bulgarian conference with mostly, but not only, Bulgarian speakers. You will have a full day of different Java related topics and its first edition will be on 20th of February. 2016 in Sofia.
The conference will be fully community driven, its sponsors will be basically every Bulgarian Java User Group sponsor for 2015 (SAP Labs, EPAM, Luxoft, Trader.bg, Questers, Verint Systems and TechHuddle). This will not be an annual conference, instead we plan to make mini conference like that every 3-4 months!
So if you want to give it a try as a speaker or if you want to propose a nice topic, but you are not sure about the interest and scared from the big stage like jPrime, then this conference is for you!
The talks slots depend on you! You can speak the regular 45 minutes or you can speak 1 hour if you like. Just let us know how much time you need (0:45h or 1:00h). You can submit your talk at BG JUG CFP page https://jug.bg/submit-a-talk/ . Just add in the description the talk duration with the description and specify that this is for jProfessionals and not for the regular monthly JUG seminars.
Lets make a bigger and better Java community, lets meet, lets talk, lets discuss and make 20th of February, 2016 an awesome Saturday.
You can get your FREE ticket here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/jprofessionals-20-tickets-20011663424
When: 20th of February, 2016
Where: SoftUni, Sofia, Bulgaria
P.S. We may need some help at the day of the conference. If you want to help just send a mail to nayden@jug.bg
P.P.S. You can think about jProffesionals as a mini, but free jPrime, which is mostly in Bulgarian presented by people you probably know, people from our community.
Agenda for 20.02.2016
9:45 – 10:00 – Welcome by Bulgarian Java User Group
10:00 – 10:45 – Pragmatic Functional Refactoring with Java 8 by Richard Warburton
11:00 – 11:45 – Up to date API documentation with Spring REST Docs by Vladimir Tsanev
12:00 – 13:00 – Lunch break
13:00 – 13:45 – The Seven Deadly Sins of Microservices by Daniel Bryant
14:00 – 14:45 – Firebird – Lightweight open Source database for Java developers by Doychin Bondzhev
15:00 – 15:45 – Java Generics: Past, Present and Future by Richard Warburton
16:00 – 16:45 – Jenkins Builds with Docker Containers by Petar Velikov
16:45 – 18:00 – Lightning Talks & Closing by All
Featured speakers:

Leading change with OpenCredo, dev/ops, teacher/student, traveller, runner, InfoQ editor, ljcjug associate, JavaOneConf, DevoxxUK & ContainerSched PC

Developer, Speaker, Author of http://tinyurl.com/java8lambdas , Partner in http://java8training.com , Participating in ljcjug, adoptajsr and adoptopenjdk, PhD, Londoner