Liferay Workshop

We are keeping it busy here at Bulgarian JUG with even more workshops! This April 21st one of the most beloved speakers of jPrime Milen Dyankov will give a full day Liferay workshop here in Sofia!

Its going to be really great:

“Let’s just install (some famous CMS here) and throw our precious content there. But that’s nightmare to customize and extend, let’s build it all from scratch and follow the most recent software trends. Forget about trends, I want this in production now …” Have you been there? Did you feel like there is no middle ground? Well there is, and this workshop will prove it to you.
We’ll build a web experience (user first) solution on top of a flexible and feature-rich platform called Liferay Portal. This will give you:
 – solid foundation with persistence, caching, indexing, transaction management, binary storage, user management, authentication and authorization, …
 – tons of ready to consume/use services (message bus, workflow, audit, …) that can be easily customized and extended
 – standard web functionalities (CMS, blogs, message boards, wiki, comments, …) to be used directly in the front-end or via local/remote APIs
 – tools to rapidly develop own local and remote services and web functionalities
 – clean modular design that not only allows for dynamic deployments but makes it easier to reason about it years later
 – endless possibilities to integrate with legacy systems and orchestrate microservices from a consistent user facing application
You don’t have to be proficient in any particular stack to benefit form the above. All you need to know is
 – Java SE and essential web frameworks like Servlets, JSP and JAX-RS
 – basic JavaScript to be able to plug in your favorite JS frameworks
 – enough HTML and CSS to make things look less ugly
 – Freemarker or Velocity template frameworks to dynamically adapt content and layouts
With that skill set and the powerful open source platform at hand we’ll create a complete interactive solution in just one day!
So.. April 21st at SoftUni, Knowledge hall!
Please make a free registration at: