jProfessionals on tour – Plovdiv, second Edition

After a very successful jProfessionals: Winter edition 2018, we are continuing on full throttle ahead!

With huge thanks to our great friend Doychin Bondzhev we are happy to announce that the next stop of the jProfessionals on Tour will be… Plovdiv 🙂

We’d like to invite all of you who will be there on 17th March 2018 to join us as a speaker or attendee. Remember, this is the series of events, where the stage is yours. There, you are encouraged to share with our Java community any topic that you might find interesting. If you don’t have much experience in public speaking, this is the event for you.

The event will be held in Landmark Creek hotel, Plovdiv. The agenda is the following (and it rocks!):

09:50-10:00 Opening (Doychin Bondzhev)
10:00-10:50 Java N.n: What to know, how to learn (Mani Sarkar, London Java Community)
10:50-11:20 Coffee break (sponsored by Media IT Services)
11:20-12:10 First step to OSGi Migration (Mariyan Valchev)
12:10-13:00 Lunch break (Sponsored by Seeburger)
13:00-13:50 JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness) (Vladimir Mutafov)
14:00-14:50 More code with less typing with our own DSL (Trifon Trifonov)
14:50-15:20 Coffee break (Sponsored by Televic)
15:20-16:10 Integration Patterns with Apache Camel (Stefan Angelov)
16:15-17:00 How to benefit from Dependency Injection (Marian Zlatev)
17:10-18:00 DIY: continuous integration automation (Ivaylo Zashev)
18:00-19:00 Networking and taking a ride to Groove Music and Art
19:00-23:00 Java Beer @ Groove Music and Art (Sponsored by ScaleFocus)
Register for free on Eventbrite!

See you all in ancient and beautiful Plovdiv!