JavaBeer @ Crafter Bar, Sofia

Where: Crafter Bar, Sofia
When: 26th March 2020 @ 19:00

Скъпи Java бираджии, искаме да ви съобщим, че отменяме събитието си.

Ние от Westernacher, преценихме, че е важно всички да се погрижат за себе си и за околните с ,оглед на случващото се в момента.

Ситуацията изисква отговорност към нас и нашите близки.

Бъдете здрави и очаквайте нова дата за нашето събитие.

About Westernacher:

Founded in 1969, Westernacher operates worldwide, with consultants in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Westernacher provides global business and SAP consulting, serving medium to large-sized enterprises striving for innovation, operational excellence and profitable, sustainable growth. Westernacher designs and develops standardized industry solutions as well as individual applications for the clients.

Westernacher Solutions is a German integrated business and IT company with strong experience in web development. Our work has helped our customers in Germany (notaries, lawyers and churches) optimize their current activities and make a real difference to the everyday life of communities.We opened our office in Sofia in 2015 and since then our solution’s team in Bulgaria participates in the full software development lifecycle in both notary products and projects for our main clients – the Federal Notary Chamber (BNotK) and the Federal Bar Association (BRAK).