ORM в Java: Hibernate и JPA

A talk about Java and ORM I made at Software University in Bulgaria few months ago. It shows Hibernate (old school stuff) and JPA to as ORM. The talk is in Bulgarian Examples on github can be found here : Hibernate example JPA...

Software University : Fast REST API with Spring

This is video from the presentation I did for Software University  conf at Sofia, Bulgaria. And here is the presentation (slideshare) only. All demos can be downloaded from here https://github.com/gochev/examples/tree/master/SoftUni%20Rest%20Spring If you missed the event .. don’t miss the next one. In Bulgarian Java User Group we do events like this one every month. Information about past and future events can be found here...

Software University : Fast REST API with Spring

This is video from the presentation I did for Software University  conf at Sofia, Bulgaria. And here is the presentation (slideshare) only. All demos can be downloaded from here https://github.com/gochev/examples/tree/master/SoftUni%20Rest%20Spring If you missed the event .. don’t miss the next one. In Bulgarian Java User Group we do events like this one every month. Information about past and future events can be found here...