What is jHipster at SoftUni Conf, March, 2015

This is a small 10min talk that I made about jHipster. JHipster is a yeoman generator that can create a spring boot/jpa application with angular and bootstrap for a minute. I am not fan of code generation but .. its something that may help us doing presentations or preparing an example. The talk is in Bulgarian...

What is jHipster at SoftUni Conf, March, 2015

This is a small 10min talk that I made about jHipster. JHipster is a yeoman generator that can create a spring boot/jpa application with angular and bootstrap for a minute. I am not fan of code generation but .. its something that may help us doing presentations or preparing an example. The talk is in Bulgarian...

Patching a Maven library with your custom class.

Sometimes you use a library that has a bug. Or maybe it doesn’t has a bug but you want to change something. Of course if it is an open source you can get the sources… build them … with your change and so on. However this first takes a lot of time and second you need the sources.What you usually want .. is to just replace one class.. or few classes with something custom… maybe add a line .. or remove a line and so on. Yesterday… I had an issue with jboss-logging. The version I was using was 3.2.0Beta1 and it turns out that using this version and log4j2 2.0 final basically meant that no log is send to log4j2. The reason was a null pointer exception that was catched in jboss logging class called Log4j2Logger. The bug I submitted is here https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBLOGGING-107 and it was fixed at the same day. However I will use it as an example since I didn’t knew when this will be fixed.. and I didn’t want to wait till it is fixed.So I was thinking what I want.. to take the jboss-logging  jar  and replace the file called Log4j2Logger. Basically as you can see in the bug I wanted to replace line 54 to be :instead of : this.logger.log(null, loggerClassName, translatedLevel,parameters == null || parameters.length == 0 ? this.messageFactory.newMessage(message) :this.messageFactory.newMessage(String.valueOf(message), parameters),thrown); to become : this.logger.log(translatedLevel, parameters == null || parameters.length == 0 ? this.messageFactory.newMessage(message) : this.messageFactory.newMessage(String.valueOf(message), parameters), And that’s it. Of course I didn’t wanted to do this manually with zip but to use maven as well. So what I did: 1)...