E-Government Architecture [presentation]

After working for a year on the matter, I did a presentation on a small conference about the options for architecture of e-government solutions. A 40 minute talk could not cover everything, and it is presented in the context of Bulgaria (hence 2 graphs with cyrillic script in the slides), so I hope it’s useful anyway.

It follows a previous post of mine that proposes an architecture, which I’ve expanded here.

Here are the slides:

The main points are:

  • all data registers must be integrated somehow
  • the integration should preferably not rely on a centralized ESB-like system
  • privacy must be addressed by strict access control and audit logs, including access for citizens to data about who read their data and why, including notifications
  • the technical challenge is only 20%, the rest is legal and organizational

Despite being government-related, it’s actually an interesting technical task that not many have solved properly.