JCache workshop

Last Wednesday (20.03.2016) our community had a really big even – Adopt-A-JSR JCache (JSR107) Workshop. Our special guest for the event was Christoph Engelbert – Technical Evangelist at Hazelcast. The host of the workshop was Luxoft Bulgaria, providing wonderful venue and tasty catering. Part One. JSR107 is one of the oldest JSRs. It has been started back in 2001 but was finally accepted only in 2014. This is a Java API that provides a unified mechanism for interacting with various caching implementations. The operations provided by the API allow for a uniform way to access, update, create and remove entries from a cache. The first part of the workshop an introduction to JCache by Christoph. Christoph gave a wonderful overview “from the source” of the JCache standard – how it was born, how it was kind of forgotten, and how it was resurrected, finished and finally accepted.   Part two. The second part of the event was a practical workshop carefully prepared by our JUG co-leads Ivan St. Ivanov and Martin Toshev (KUDOs!). During the workshop the participants had to apply in a standardized way JCache to an existing Java EE project. The project was a special Java EE BGJUG fully Java EE based phonebook webapp. For the server the Payara server was chosen as it contains the Hazelcast JCache provider out of the box. The workshop contained two main objectives: the first one was introductory – to connect the Hazelcast JCache provider to the given Java EE webapp with a minimal configuration. The second one was more advanced – to setup various features in the configuration like cache timeout etc. The workshop...