BGJUG is not Java User Group Sofia or Java User Group Bulgaria! It’s for all Bulgarians in Sofia, Plovdiv or even outside of Bulgaria.
However we agree it is a bit difficult to reach specific audiences in Bulgaria and that our mailing list contains mostly events which are located in Sofia.
Also the Bulgarian Java User Group do not have facebook group, instead we use the one called javabg . You can like our facebook page(not group, a page) here but again in both of these cases most of the posts are specific for Sofia.
Because of that long time ago in 2011 Ivelina Georgieva created Java User Group Plovdiv, it is a non-official user group that tries just to have focus on Plovdiv. So for local Plovdiv events like jProfessionals Plovdiv (organized by the Bulgarian Java User Group) or other Plovdiv events you can join the Java User Group Plovdiv also called jugplovdiv
Last but not least, the idea is not to split but should join together, so the main channel for questions and event is and will be the google group .
Come and join, its free ! 🙂
We do not serve cookies, but we do serve beers very often. For the beer events keep an eye on
Why this page is in english ? Because we use wordpress for this website and the multilingual plugin we used got broken long time ago and we never fixed it so all Bulgarian content is now hidden 🙂 ops.
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