Java Beer with @ Kanaal, Sofia | 12.05 | 19:00

Where: KANAAL, Sofia
When: 12 May 2022 @ 19:00

Not too cold and not too hot – the perfect season for beer!
It is time to stretch our legs and imagination, because – Java.

Looking forward to a non-covid, beer only (and some snacks) in person and out-of-the-office-home event.
This time – sponsored by And who in god’s name are they – see below.

About Tide:

Tide is a disruptive brand, a leading digital business banking provider, challenging the status quo in the traditional banking industry. The company is part of the #FinTech revolution – a wave of businesses using technology to fundamentally change the financial services sector. The company has a strong and collaborative culture, with Tideans united behind the mission that banking should be fairer and more accessible for consumers and business. Tide makes life easier for entrepreneurs, it saves them time (and money) on their financial admin, so they can focus on doing what they love. Come and have a beer with Tide’s team. 🙂