Title: JVM++: GraalVM
Abstract: The Hotspot JVM already provides a lot of runtime optimizations for Java applications. However this is not the case when we want to execute Ruby or JavaScript code in the JVM, for example. The Graal VM is an Oracle Labs research project that aims to improve the runtime compilation of the JVM in order to bring the performance of Java to interpreted languages. It also provides support for the Java compiler API targeted for Java 9 (proposed as JEP243). The talks dives into the Graal VM by examining its architecture and how it aims to boost the performance of the JVM. The Truffle API provided for developers willing to develop their own language running on Graal is detailed further along with some recent benchmarks on a few currently supported language implementations. The concepts are clarified with a few demos demonstrating how does the Graal VM work
Speaker: Martin Toshev
Location: Perform Business Centre, 2 Pozitano Square, Floor 3, the office of Skyscanner
When: 12 December, 19:00
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